Within the organization set up you may have to move team members around and/or change the reporting structure. WorkStory makes it very easy to manage this process.
How to move a team member from the Org Chart
To move team members:
Click on People in the left-hand menu OR find the person in the org chart under Organization >> Chart
Find the team member you would like to move and open their dashboard
Click on the Profile tab at the top and then under the Info sub-tab you'll find the Reports to field
Search for and select the team member you would like to move them to
Click Update
Users higher up in the org chart have visibility into users below them within the organization (within their specific branch).
A few things to note:
Moving team members does not impact review relationships. Those remain the same but the visibility rules will change.
Moving a team member also moves other team members below them at the same time
If you need to move an individual team member, make sure to move other team members below them first.